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A member registered Feb 12, 2017

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I'll have a look in my junk email and see if I can find it in the mess there somewhere, if not I'll email you.  

The Pretenders Guild was amazing, pretty much why I decided to play Arena Circus earlier than I was intending and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much. Thank You for making such great games!

Hey I just downloaded the game, I first purchased it about a year ago before chapter 3 was released and I was going to wait to play until all the chapters were released but changed my mind after playing The Pretenders Guild. I might be remembering things incorrectly so I apologise if I am, but I'm sure back before chapter 3 was released the Golden version was $3 minimum and I did pay $3 but I can't access the guide or the password (I've never tried before as I didn't download any files as I was waiting on playing it). How would I go about accessing these files, unless I'm completely wrong and it's always been $5 for Golden in which case just ignore me :).